Kenneth and Gloria Copeland found principles in God's Word that transformed their life, proving that God's Word will work for anyone that puts their faith in it.
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, past and now.
As Gloria sat reading a Bible given to Kenneth by his mom, she pondered her future and prayed a simple prayer, proving that tiny faith is packed with power...
God, take my life and do something with it.
That was all it took. Days after, God grabbed hold of Kenneth’s heart and he gave his life to Jesus.
In the spring of 1967, newly saved and desiring to obey God’s leading, Kenneth & Gloria packed up their small family and headed off to Tulsa, Oklahoma. There, Kenneth enrolled as a student in Oral Roberts University.
Amazingly, God used Kenneth’s love of flying airplanes to position him for the opportunity of a lifetime. To be mentored by a powerful man of God and into a revelation that would transform his life and the lives of millions around the globe.
Applying to serve on Oral Roberts flight crew, Kenneth flew Oral Roberts to his healing crusades around the nation. Although Kenneth was very comfortable in the air, he was soon asked to do something very uncomfortable while on the ground.
He was asked to pray for the sick at the crusades, ministering to people too ill to sit among the attendees.
It was there, while praying for those given little to no hope of survival, that Kenneth was awestruck, witnessing Oral using faith in God’s word like a tool to heal.
The power of faith in God’s word exploded as a revelation in his heart as Kenneth realized that it held tremendous power to change any situation.
Oral also introduced Kenneth to another powerful principle from God’s word he had never heard anyone teach before.
The principle of partnership.
Kenneth learned about biblical partnership, God’s way for him to share in Oral’s anointing to teach, heal and receive financial blessing by faith and realized any believer could transform their life through this mighty but misunderstood biblical principle!
Partnership ignited vision in Kenneth’s heart.g
It was only a few short months after Kenneth began working alongside Oral that God called him to start his own ministry. This ministry would be built on the revelation that faith in God’s Word can change any situation and that believers can share their God given abilities through the principle of partnership.
For over 40 years in Canada, Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been marked by supernatural revelation from God’s Word concerning financial provision and healing, and has helped to transform lives by preaching and teaching faith in God’s Word.
birthed out of love for the people and a commitment to bring people the Word.”
- Kenneth Copeland
Today, more than 40,000 Canadian Christians look to KCM Canada for powerful, faith- building resources with over 12,000 of them being connected to the anointing on KCM Canada through the principle of partnership.