You Can Learn How To Walk In The Miraculous.

Discover the Power of Connecting Heaven & Earth.

God Has Your Miracle on His Mind eBook.

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Miracles aren’t for fairytales. They are for you today.

What can the Bible teach you about receiving miracles in your health, finances or relationships? You don’t have to live wondering....

Request Your FREE eBook and discover:

  • Why God’s miracle working ways have never changed
  • How to position yourself to receive your miracle today
  • How to stand strong - even when it seems like it's too late


“In January 2011, I cut my hand and it developed a terrible infection. My family doctor felt we were fighting a losing battle so I was sent to a larger city for treatment. In route, I told my daughter to phone KCM and ask for prayer. I was out of the hospital in one week! Amazing because going in, they were talking amputation! To God be the glory!”
- E.V. Canada


“No tumour found! Praise God! March 21, 2013 I wrote KCM for prayer after being diagnosed with colon cancer. May 9th, after tests, the surgeon proclaimed that I was cancer free – no surgery! Thanks for praying!”
- V.B. Canada

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